Sinetron Lia

Desember 27, 2008 pukul 11:23 pm | Ditulis dalam Artis | 109 Komentar
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liaYupp Sinetron Lia terbaru di RCTI, dah pada liat kn iklannya di rcti… sering banget malah… tadi aja pas nonton dahsyat salah satu pemainnya Putri Titian promo githu dech… dh kaya Raffi ahmad aja setiap hari pasti promosiin BBB hauhauhauha… pemainnya Amanda, trus mantan² pemain sinetron candy ama mentari yang dulu kala :mrgreen: ostnya lagu ST 12 –  jangan pernah berubah

Ceritanya sich standar aja sich… nich copas dari

LIA (Amanda), gadis yang penuh semangat dan tegar. Demi membantu ibunya, RANTI (Mieke Amalia), Lia memutuskan bekerja sebagai cleaning service di sebuah sekolah. Lia tidak ingin ibunya terus-terusan bekerja di bar dangdut.

Di hari pertamanya bekerja, MERCY (Putri Titian), seorang gadis kaya yang cantik dan angkuh mengacaukan pekerjaannya. Lia yang tak ingin dikeluarkan dari pekerjaan barunya itu pun memarahi Mercy. Mercy tidak terima Lia memarahinya. Mereka pun terlibat pertengkaran, sampai seorang guru melerai mereka.

Tak ada satupun murid yang berani memberikan saksi bahwa Lia tidak bersalah, karena kesemuanya takut dengan Mercy. Sampai akhirnya, AYU (Nimaz Dewantary), seorang gadis pendiam, pintar, dan penerima beasiswa berani memajukan diri dan menjadi saksi bahwa semua itu adalah salah Mercy. Mercy kaget dan kesal sekali pada Ayu. Sementara Lia terharu dan berterima kasih sekali pada Ayu. Lia dan Ayu pun kemudian berteman dan saling membantu. Sedangkan Mercy, yang tidak lain adalah teman semeja Ayu pun kesal atas sikap Ayu. Ia pun

Di sekolah itu, kehidupan baru Lia dimulai. ia mulai menjalani hari-hari sebagai bagian dari sekolah, dimana ia merasakan keceriaan sebagai remaja yang dikelilingi dengan kisah-kisah khas remaja. Dimana ia mengenal pertemanan, permusuhan, percintaan, permasalahan keluarga, dan lain-lainnya. Kesemua kejadian itu akhirnya membuat Lia, Ayu dan Mercy menjadi dekat. Cukup mengagetkan memang. Lia pun mulai menyenangi kesehariannya di sekolah itu. Dengan kedekatannya dengan Ayu, pertemanan yang aneh dengan Mercy, dan permasalahannya dengan siswa-siswa yang lain.

Tanpa Lia sadari, kedua gadis yang ia temui di sekolah itu sebenarnya memiliki hubungan darah dengannya. Nasib mempertemukan mereka, tanpa satu sama lain mengetahui kenyataan yang sebenarnya. Kenyataan bahwa mereka bertiga adalah saudara se-ayah, dengan latar belakang kehidupan dan sifat yang berbeda.

Bagaimanakah kisah Lia selanjutnya ?.. akankah ia mengetahui kenyataan yang sebenarnya, bahwa ia masih memiliki ayah dan 2 saudara perempuan?..

Ikuti terus kisahnya..

Ya.. semoga ceritanya g’ berbelit belit n g’ di panjang²in…

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  1. he…he….bwat manda addaq eeeeeeeeee bwat smua smangat…………

  2. kepada sinemart saya mau tanya bagaimana caranya ikut casting sinetron di sinemart/ tolong di balas ya

  3. Wowww…..guys,bakalan rugi dch low gak nonton LIA,sinetronx OK BGT!. Aplg pmainx bobby joseph,+ asyik dch!
    Aq ng fans bgt ma bobby joseph minta alamat email aslix dunk??? Low prlu no hpx skalian. Trims

  4. hhe . ak ska sm sinetron Lia . karna ak ng-fans bgtt am ayh kndung na Lia. . .

  5. Bleh minta no. Hpnya stuart colin ma amanda g? Secara, ngefans bgt bro! Ap lagi ma amanda! He. .He. .

  6. aku suka bgt ama film lia… secara pemainnya ada putri titiannya… kan dri prtama aku liat ka tian, aku dh mulai ngefans bgt ama dya… salamin yua bwa ka tian …

  7. bole mnta numb na om ‘Umar Lubis’ nda ?
    pliist . tlong krm k +6285782334494

  8. gw bosen lyat mukany si amanda…
    jadi keliatan kaya sinetron candy…
    pemainnya sama smua
    kreatif dikit dunk!
    pemainnya itu2 terus!
    si amanda ga pantes bgt dijajarin sama pemain2 lainnya!!!!!
    paling mending cuma putri titian ama lucky perdana
    moga2 sinemart lebih kreatif lagi!
    ga usah copycat film sebelumnya, atau film luar negri…..
    apalagi alurnya gitu2 aja

  9. jgn lupa y ak mnta numb na om ‘Umar Lubis’ , tlong kirimin k numb +6285782334494 atau kirim k fs ak , , nick ak d fs = d h a n i i *

    pliist yah . kn kk zoel chaniago baek . hhe .

  10. jgn lupa y ak mnta numb na om ‘Umar Lubis’ , tlong kirimin k numb +6285782334494 atau kirim k fs ak , , nick ak d fs = d h a n i i *

    pliist yah . kn kk zoel chaniago baek . hhe .

  11. bos,aku mua minta poto pak umar lubis bisa gak??
    skalian nomer Hp nya??
    tlong kirim ke alamat email aku

  12. bos,bener ni aku Ngefans Bgt ma Pak UMar Lubis,so aku minta donk nomer telp dia???kirim ke nomer ku ini ya,081802544055

  13. seneng deh rasanya namaku dipakai sama amanda. apalagi pasangannya lucky, bobby, ade, stuart, wah pas banget! makasih sinemart! makasih RCTI. semoga sinetronnya sukses ya! i love you LIA….

  14. Ass..Saya izzman..Tgl d tambun,bekasi,skul di SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan..Lwat ini..Saya pgen tnya alamat Emailny Putri Titian n Pak Umar Al-Fattah Lubis,dr dulu demen ama Akting mreka..PT apalagi…Hoho..Mhon dibles ke email sya.. mhon ya..Makasih

  15. buat anak2 sahid parah kalo kagak nonton

  16. pengen tau dunk sampe episode berapa sih sinetron lia???

    biznya kadang males az kalo terlalu panjang n dah ga nyambung ma cerita awalnya gthu….

    boleh kasih bocoran akhir sinetronnya gmn ga???

    d sinetron candy dulu, aq lebih suka bobby joseph tapi ternyata lucky perdana ok juga….

    buat putri titian rambut panjang n poninya keren, amanda ama nimas juga asik, stuart collin juga bolehlah…

    minta alamat emailnya mereka dunk???


  17. kalo dah tau kirim ke alamat emailq yah

  18. . wahh add sinetron lia akk seneng bngt .
    . jd klu mlm akk bte gg jln trus .
    . ada lia sihh .
    . thx sinemart .
    . bwtd lia smoga sukses

  19. it’s all about tian

  20. Aku nge-fans bgt nih sama Umar Lubis..
    Bisa minta foto2 / no.telpnya ngga?
    Kalau ada tolong kirim ke yah

  21. lia bikin penasaran.
    sebenernya dia suka sama siapa sih ?

  22. bos,minta poto ma nomer Hp pak Umar Lubis,bisa ndak???kalo boleh kirim ke alamat email gue
    sebelum”e trima ksh ya???

  23. gw ngefans bgt ma LP n gw yakin ntr dia pasti jadi ma lia

  24. sinetronnya jangan kebanyakan episode nya

  25. M@NDA q setujux lia tuh” ya sm andrian.q nggk setju klo”lia sm gilang.q msh curiga deh ama sinetronx lia ko”bs sih 3 bersaudara beda ibu tp 1 ayah. buruan dong lnjutin critax ,jngn da halangan mlu”. q tuh ya ngefans brt sm km.dn q yakin pst lia bakln ama andrian.thanks

  26. Sinetron Lia emang jadi penawar (obat kangen) penggemar Candy. Mampukah Lia kembali mengulang sukses Candy? Ikuti ulasannya dan beri komentarnya di weblog kami. Klik Genta

  27. Gila sinetron’a krn bgt ap lg klo ad stuart colin coz w ngefans bgt ma dia t’nks y sinema art aq doain cemua sinetron’a sukses number 1 sinetron lia!tp ko stuart skrng jarang k’liatan cih?aq minta numb hp’a stuart dunt plis krmn dunt k e-mail aq atau k fs q; plis krmn y klo d krmn aq pst mkn cinta ma rcti n sinema art oc plis!

  28. lucky aq suka ma km
    tp sayang x,km dah punya pacar yach?
    klu leh tau no HP km brp??? 🙂

  29. ak minta fotonya amanda ya….. kirim di emailku

  30. Sukses aja dech wat sinetron LIA, pemainya yg keren2 abiez……..
    maksich wat sinemart yg uwdach menayangkan sinetron LIA semoga sinetron ini makin SERU…………..

  31. makasih bwat RCTI yg dah menampilkan kembali artis2 yg keren n’ gokil abiez………..
    sukses bwat amanda dan lucky perdana……

  32. Gw ngefans bangett ma Lucky Perdana, minta foto + emailnya dunk,, please,, sukses buat Lucky..!!

  33. aq nge fans BgT aMa sinETron _lia_ kaya sinetron candy gt apa lagi aq nge fans bgt ama lucky_amanda_nimaz_bobby aq dukung semoga tiap tahun slalu ada sinetron seperti ini slalu dan juga terima kasih buatRCTI………

  34. aduh2x ini sinetron bener2 rame abizs aq nge fanss bgt ama lucky ama amanda kapan ya aq bs ketemu ama mereka aq setiap hari suka nonton lia ama adik aq kalo kt berdua g nonton rasanya pingin nangiss abiz nya rame N seru dech _jangan pernah kou coba untuk berubah tak relakan yang indah hilang lah sudah_ gt kan nynyi nya

  35. iii bobby

    kammu kug luccu seii

    log akting jadi nag arogan

    nn ammu tamba cakkep nn kerenz abieezt

  36. aku udah nonton sinetron LiA…tapi gk seru bgt..pemain2 nya sama kayak pemain di sinetron CANDy..kok gk ganti pemain sich…padahal artis2 di Indonesia gak cuma mereka aja..bosen liatnya, mendingan dengerin Radio..hehehe… apalagi ceritanya gitu2 trus, gak jelas n berbelit-belit, simple2 donk..ngabis2in waktu..yaa paling ending nya gak nyambung gitu sama dgn sinetron2 sebelumnya,,,maaf ni, bukannya sok tapi ini jujur agar kedepannya lebih baik lagi dlm garap sinetron..

  37. endingnya paling gk nyambung… ceritanya banyak yg berbelit-belit…kapan nich abis nya sinetron LIA…?? Bosen kalo berbulan2 harus nontonin nya..ganti yg lain, yg lebih seru gitu…okey

  38. kenapa sich pemeran utama na rachel amanda gak ada artiz lagy ya??????????gak pantez tau rachel amanda

    banyak yang gak suka tau pemeran utama na rachel amanda ya paling nonton lia karna da putri titian na bukan karna rachel!!!!!!!!!!!!GANTI YAH PEMERAN UTAMA NA JANGAN RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. pemainnya krn” smw gbg d sinetron lia nich…

  40. btw, saia ini anti sinetron jadi ya wadda hell…^^

    (tapi kadang2 nonton juga kok kalo lagi bosen)

  41. temen2 yang tahu alamatnya pak umar lubis ma alamat email tolong aku dikasih tahu dong, kirim ke alamat emailku ya….. please kalau punya fotonya juga gapapa

  42. temen2 yang tahu alamatnya pak umar lubis ma alamat email tolong aku dikasih tahu dong, kirim ke alamat emailku ya….. please kalau punya fotonya juga gapapa.

  43. Cerita dan pemainnya juga bagus apalagi ada Manda+Bobby Joseph.Sayang banget mainnya klo bisa ganti jam tayang jadi Jam 19.00 kayak waktu Namaku Mentari dan Candy

  44. aku minta no hp om umar lubis dan fotonya donk

  45. Pu3 W Ska Bgt M Km Km Lcu N Cntk Truz Mnja ? Add W Di : Pliz Aku Mau Tau Km Bgt Pu3 Ti2n Asi N Jdi Tmn Km

  46. lia kok nyebelin se???
    seharusnya dy tu musti lbh peka ma perasaan orang laen. klo d suruh kayak dlarang. lok dlarang kaya’ yg ngebuat aq sk y bobby josephx.oy sp ja yg pux no hp n fotox krmn k maq y!!!!!!!

  47. hy para pemain Lia,menurut w u smua sngat brbakat skali,apalagi cowok-cowok nya guanteng buanget,klo amandanya sih main nya gtu gtu duankx,saran n kritik w seh u smua mju truz d bdang akting y,,,,GOOD LUCK FRIED…LezZ y koment dri w krim ja ke friendster w,,,da da friends

  48. hemmm aku suka banget..ama umar lubis.. kasih fotonya dunk…please..

  49. hAY………… waduh film”Y lia 2 keren abiesZZ aplagi gue fans banget ma “amanda n lucky perdana…, lia ngak usah didengarin kritikan yang bikin u ngak enak.., belum tentu dia tau.., sok bilang “kreatif dikit donk” alah sok banget orang kya gtu..,, oya li and bang luky minta alamat email n hp” dunk…!!! gue love banget kalian berdua but jgn negative dulu ya aq bukan beseksual!!!!!! tapi aku ngefens banget ma kalian berdua…,.,.

  50. hay……pr pminx lia aq tuch.. suka bngt ama lucki perdana ,boby yosef and amanda. sukses terus yaaaaaaah. kalau bisa mnt poooootoooonyaa dooooong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Hai smuax…. knalin ni Ira……. buat smua pemain n kru sinetron lia mga skses y………….



    GTO J DRI Q…


    ADD ME YUA,,,

  53. Waduhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,kami seneng banget lihat sinetron kalian lho.walaupun kami ada di luar negri,kami semua nggak mau ketinggalan untuk lihat sinetron kalian lho.pengemar kalian di luar negri sangat banyak dan pokoknya kami semua seneng banget melihatnya dan mendengarnya.aku punya teman di nederland namanya soraya,dia asal dari jakarta dan punya tetangga,nama anaknya:Amanda.ehhhhhh ternyata pemain sinetron Lia en Candy.aku tanya selain sinetron Candy en Lia.sinetron apalagi ya,yang kalian mainkan? tollong dong kasih kabar en thanks okee?

  54. heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sinetron kalian hebat banget lho.
    kami di luar negri nggak mau ketinggalan untuk melihat sinetron punya kalian lho.waduhhhhhhhhhhhhh kami suka banget lihat sinetron kalian.dan selain itu sinetron apa saja yang kalian mainkan ?
    tollong dong kasih tahu kami en thanks okee?

  55. […] Sinetron Lia Yupp Sinetron Lia terbaru di RCTI, dah pada liat kn iklannya di rcti… sering banget malah… tadi aja pas […] […]

  56. […] Sinetron Lia Yupp Sinetron Lia terbaru di RCTI, dah pada liat kn iklannya di rcti… sering banget malah… tadi aja pas […] […]

  57. Untuk bobby joseph,gue salut and ngefans banget sama lw bro,akting lw keren abis sumpah gue ga bohong,gaya lw tuh top abis deh ga ada matinya,untuk yang meranin juwita,kalau ga salah nama kamu itu jasmine kan,gue juga ngefans banget sama kamu,kamu cantik banget,Indo nya kelihatan banget,i love you.kalau bisa gue minta email atau fs kalian berdua,please call me,my phone number is 08999020930,thanks and buat sinemart BRAVO FOREVER!!!!!

  58. For bobby joseph,i’m proud with your acting,you are so cool,i like the way you act and i love your style so much,keep cool,man!and for jasmine who stare as juwita,you are so cute and beauty,your acting is awesome and also Magnificent,i love you right from the start and i love you at the first sight,stay beauty and smart.this is my cell phone number i hope someday both of you can call me and here it is 08999020930,thanks,and for rcti and sinemart bravo forever!!!!!

  59. AQ jg sering nntn sinetron lia,seru n pemainnya pada fresh2 semua jd g bosen klu lg nonton!!!!!!!!!

  60. Bwt umar lubis gw ngfans brt nih!!

  61. thank you tuk bobby yoseph,lucky perdana,stuart collin,amanda,nimaz dewantary sorry buat putri titian gw gak ngefans kelu ha…ha…ha…ha…

  62. kalu lo pngin maen ma ku kirim aja ma e-mail

  63. eh bro teen komentarnya nora tau gak

  64. nimaz


    luph u ….


  65. ha..ha …

    rame juga…

  66. sn3ng bgT deh keTemu lagi sama MANDA,aku ngefanz bgt lho 5 MANDA.Aktingnya bagus bgt ajarin donx.tapi kebanyakan akting manda ko nangis c?padahal kan kalo senyum maniz bgt,,Mga LIA jadian y sama gilang.

  67. hai tian apa kabar. aku danial, kul di polban aku seneng banget ngeliat kamu di tv.mudah-mudahan kapan-kapan aku bs ketemu ma kmu

  68. iiiiiiih stuart ganteng bgtzzzzzzz
    pgn tau fsx donkzzzzzzzzz


  70. Tapi aku pengen banget jadi seorang artis yang bisa main sinetron n nyanyi. aku harap yang baca ini dapat bantu aku.klau pengen hbungi ke no ini ya 081361472072.jangan yang gokil-gokil ya krn aku orangnya serius!
    seperti sinetron lia. thankyou!

  71. MANDAAAAAAAAAAAA I MISS YOOUUUUU!!!!!!! Aq sukaa banget ma mandaa abizz naa imut2 bangetz seeehhh!!! aq juga suka kalo ia be dua aja ma luckyy perdanaaa,,,,abizz naa LUCKYYYY YOU VERYYY SO SWWEEEETTT MUUUAAACCHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! AQ Siiihh berharapp manda nyaa ama luckyyy aja!!! cozz lucky tuhh dewasaaaa banget kan bisa bimbing manda yang mw baranjak gede gituu!!!

    OKS Deeh bwat manda ma luckyy sukses yaa!!! and pesen bwat lucky belajarlah utuk mencintai wanita!!!

  72. SInetron Lia n RCTI semoga sucses ya!
    Rachel Amanda,Boby Joseph,Lucky Perdana,Putri Titian dan lain2 GOOD LUCK…..Sorry ya yang belum disebutin?Coz gua lupa!Yang jadi Ayu,Aksan dan lain2 juga!he3…..Satu lagi gua pingin ngucapin GOOD BYE!!!…..

  73. bwat manda…

    kamu hrz tetep smangat …

    ow ya kamu smp / sma klaz brapa?

  74. ow ya ,,,

    q titip salam bwat bobby ya ..

    coz gu nge fans bgd ma dya…

  75. w suka banget sama sinetron LIA ceritanya bagus banget apalagi pemainnya luar biasa.Aku suka sama pemain Adrian,Gilang,Ayu,Lia,Mersy,Yos,Ranti,Ingrid,Sari,dll.Episodenya yg panjang ya.w kirim salam buat semua pemain LIA aza Seoga makin cukces ya LIA.OK…………………!!!!!!!!!!

  76. w suka banget sama sinetron LIA ceritanya bagus banget apalagi pemainnya luar biasa.Aku suka sama pemain Adrian,Gilang,Ayu,Lia,Mersy,Yos,Ranti,Ingrid,Sari,dll.Episodenya yg panjang ya.w kirim salam buat semua pemain LIA aza Semoga makin cukces ya LIA.OK…………………!!!!!!!!!!

  77. haiiii…nimaz…

    aQ suka bngt ma kamu…

    i luph u…


  78. wahhhhhhhhhh…………

    sukses buat mndhaa dkk……….


  79. sukses buat putri titian,your the best.

  80. Hai gue ngfans bget ma luky.Gue mau mnta almat emailnya luky coz gue n

  81. Bwt sinEmarT tlOng dunKz….
    Tyangkan lG akhiR cerita dr sintrOn lia…
    mkdnya tamatx(ep 72 lok gak sLah)…
    Cz Q g lHat…
    OranG2 d daerAh rmhq bnyaK yG pngen lHat…
    TlonG puterin lG ya…????
    Dl sperti sinetronx wulan kn ditayangkan lg waktu tamatnya…
    puterin ya….????

  82. aduChHhHh Aq nGeFaNs NgEfAnS BgTsZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ aMa sInEtRoN iNi CeRiTaNyA BgS bGtSzzzzz Ap Lg AmA LuCkY pErDaNa abiS NyA GaNtENg SiCh sInEtRoN InI tUcH Ky sInErOn CaNdY.sYg nYa sInEtRoN LIa dAh aBiSzzzzzzzz MoGa2 AjA AdA SiNeTrOn Yg kY sInEtRoN lIa Am CaNdy yacaha pkknyA HrSS AdA


  84. Q jg seneng ma sinetron LIA. Bagus, oke, wuidihhh… Tp, koq pemainnya itu2 terus?? Kl ga Bobby Joseph, ya Lucky Perdana. Ato nongol dua2nya. Cm Putri Titian yg jd tokoh baru. Kenapa ya, tiap Amanda main sinetron, pasti ada pemain mantan sinetron Candy/ Namaku Mentari. BOZEN TAW!!!!

  85. aku sangat suka sama yasmine leeds..
    gila dia cantik benar,
    itu cewek zaman sekarang yg paling cantik yang pernah aku kenal.
    I lOVE YOU yasmine leeds

  86. Hai sinemar gw ngfan bgt sma lucki perdana,gw ngfan sma dia sjak di sntron candy tlong donk ksh tau email nya.Ni email gw.pinunp@yahoo.Com

  87. Hai sinemar nma gw ALFINUR gw tgl di aceh.Gwe ni pncita sntron candy,mentari n Lia,tlog donk ksh tau almt email AMANDA,Lucki Perdana,boby joseph,ni almat email gw pinunp@yahoo.Com

  88. kangen emang ma tim candy n lia terutama lucky,manda n putri. yag lain ngak…pengen dh liat kalian main lucky jadian ma putri…kalo manda udh terlalu serng dipasngn jdi kakk adek jakelee…n mudh2 sinemart bisa lbh kreatif ma cerita..giman kalo flm seri aja tiap ari selsai ceritanya…pasti seru…tpi ngk ush pake boby jo terus siangannya..biar lebh fresh..

  89. horeeeeeeeeee…..lucky n manda main sinet bareng lagi…di kejora n bintang.di rcti..ngk sbar nugu a.!!!

  90. mudah2han d Kejora & Bintang Manda & Lucky bisa dipasangkan lagi…tolongya Sinemart,dengarkan curahan hati pemirsamu…
    Manda & Lucky..I Love You…..

  91. iya…Amanda & Lucky Perdana emang Sweet Couple banget klo d sinetron,pengen banget mreka berdua jadian lagi d sinetron Kejora & Bintang,andai aja d kenyataan jg gitu… (Ngarrrrrreppp ^^)

  92. kak lucky…gimana catanya ya supaya kmu degerin pendapat fans kamu…?gaya rambut kamu yag sekarang ni tua banget kak kya umur berapa gitu…tambah lagi janggutnya kak wadohhh…plis dong kak jagn dipanjangin…kita2 ngarep Poni kaka balik lagi..gya rambut alfa itu plg cocok ma kakak..swer!

  93. mau nanya nieehhh…
    yang pas putri titian nanyi makhluk tuhan paling seksi di episode brp yahh?? mkci”

  94. kangen ma sinet remja rcti sinemart…rmaja udh nga ada di persinetronann….! pRoTESsss! kita DicekoKin sinet Beraaat ala mak2 yg hamil blm nkah ky sinet kamile tuh..trus yg laen ky nikwil yg cipkiacipki trus2an ma cow ganti2 di sinet…serasa jd duve..agoohh aku mau yg lebh freshhh…mana.hayooo prime ritzzz rebut kembli putri titian dri sinemrt seklian ma lucky deh an manda.!! psti klian bisa dapet cerita keren di primritz!.

  95. Mmmm!!!!! I so like it I hope indo senetron will better than it,AJA – AJA faithing

  96. om aku ngefans banget ma om umar lubis, boleh minta no telp/hp ,ma fb nya om ,ku tunggu kabar dari om di

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    take a look at how they function.

    Herbs about the other hand, increase your libido so you benefit from the complete sexual experience.

    Many men get frustrated when they consider medicines because
    there is no increase in sexual intercourse drive plus they
    need manual stimulation of the penis to obtain difficult.

    Nitric oxide performs the vital function of opening up the blood vessels
    which lead to the penis, so they are wide enough to take the
    increased amount of blood in, to stiffen the penis.

    Firstly to obtain a difficult hard-on, you have to have
    higher amounts of nitric oxide produced in
    the body and the cause for this is simple – no hard-on can take place if
    amounts are as well low.

    Testosterone is the crucial male sexual intercourse
    hormone and is required for sex drive and sexual stamina and the great news is – Horny Goat
    Weed and Cnidium (which we have already mentioned) will
    give amounts a increase.

    You should also however take Tribulus, because not just is
    it the best testosterone boosting herb, it also
    contains a unique blend of nutrients which increase sex drive and improve
    intensity and pleasure from orgasm.

    If you would like to remedy impotence rapidly and normally,
    you can get all the above herbs in the best organic erection supplements and they’ll get you a harder hard-on and also increase your sexual intercourse generate in the same time – try them and you’ll be glad you did.

    he reason herbs are a much better option to guy made medicines is – they have no dangerous side affects and simply because they improve sexual intercourse generate
    which can be something man created medicines simply can’t do, lets consider a look at how the herbal remedies work.

    If you want to get an hard-on, you need to increase your levels of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the crucial natural chemical which permits an hard-on to come to fruition – no erection can consider place without having it.

    Prescription drugs do this but you do not require them, the herbs Horny Goat Weed, ginseng and Cnidium, will do this too as well as much better news is – they do it safely and naturally.

    Herbal remedies could possibly get you a hard hard-on and treat impotence normally – but they can also increase your libido which can be essential, for the total all round sexual encounter.

    Many men are left frustrated by guy created medicines because, they get them hard but they frequently require guide stimulation and this leads to an incomplete sexual encounter.

    The good news is – herbal remedies could possibly get you hard, without having manual stimulation and they do this in several ways which are outlined below.

    Testosterone is required for sexual stamina andlibido and Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng (which we have already pointed out) increase amounts but you should also take an additional couple of herbs that are Tribulus and Tonkgat Ali.

    Last bit not least, the mind also plays a crucial role in terms of sexual wellness and if you’re stressed, anxious worried or
    depressed, you won’t have the ability to focus on sexual intercourse.

    You can take herbs that will improve your mood and two great ones are – Maca and Ginkgo Biloba which both enhance mood and give the physique an energy boost in the same time.

    In the greatest organic libido supplements and not just will they treat impotence and provide you with a difficult erection, they may also enhance sex generate and overall levels of wellness at the exact same time.

    mental impotence is nearly guaranteed to impact men at least once within their existence. Prior to people didn’t see this as an actual issue, they merely
    chalked it up to old age.

    But in today’s society this really is actually treated being a issue. There are many ways for people to recover from psychological impotence.

    Via recent years psychological treatments have arrive a long way through lengthy arduous investigation and practice. Now that we know both the reasons for that problems and the way to alleviate them, it’s imperative
    that you take benefit of them.

    A big issue that may trigger psychological impotence is either associated to a past concern or it is temporary.
    It can truly be a cycle of fear.

    A single problem can outcome within the fear of re-occurrence can create anxiety which will trigger the initial problem
    just as we feared. Even tough this type of mental impotence is
    fairly stream lined.

    You ought to never be ashamed of this problem,
    and many men around the world suffer from it
    every single day. This is the outcome of the emotions effecting you physically.

    A great way to solve this problem is to become relaxed prior to you turn out to be physical.
    Music and atmosphere is a great way to get into a
    seductive mood. Points for example these are great for lowering tension which may cause the difficulties.

    Also you need to become wary of precisely how much you are drinking.
    A guy can shed his ability to turn out to be aroused while drinking alcohol.
    No matter what you do, as well a lot alcohol can kill it for you.

    If depression may be the cause you’re suffering, it is best to solve that issue prior to you are able to have a real physical relationship. Basically mental impotence stems from a problem with your psychological outlook.

    You will not preform well at all if you’re depressed.
    Also, you need to recognize that other relationship problems can stem from depressive disorders.

    But all in all the greatest method to offer with mental impotence is to visit your physician.

    The doctor will let you know what you can do to offer with your
    problems and how you are able to go about treating it.

    Realize that you simply aren’t alone, and also you have numerous routes on the path of curing your psychological impotence. Don’t let embarrassment keep you from
    finding out how to deal with this issue.

    If you want to cure impotence naturally, the great news is you
    are able to and not only can you obtain a difficult hard-on,
    just like you are able to with guy made drugs;
    herbal cures will increase your sex generate and your overall level of wellness which
    can be something prescription drugs simply cannot

    Guy created drugs increase nitric oxide secretion and allow more blood into the penis but so
    Ginseng, Cnidium and Horny Goat Weed which being organic herbal remedies have none of the side affects of
    guy made medicines.

    If you would like to remedy impotence, you must increase your levels of nitric oxide simply because nitric oxide regulates
    blood flow into the penis and it does this by relaxing and widening the blood vessels which supply the penis with blood.

    Numerous males who consider guy made drugs get a hard
    hard-on but have no sexual desire and they end up needing guide stimulation to get an erection and this
    is frustrating.

    If you would like to appreciate the all round sexual encounter you need
    to have a powerful sex generate and herbs can improve this too.

    Herbs improve sexual intercourse generate because they improve testosterone and also the Ginseng
    and Horny Goat Weed are excellent testosterone boosters but you ought to also consider Trubulus which is seen as the best testosterone enhancing herb of all.

    The best herbal sexual intercourse pills for males which
    will give you better sexual health and better amounts of wellness at the exact same time –
    so if you want to remedy impotence naturally attempt them and get more from sex and a lot more from existence.

    Unfortunately numerous males will endure diabetic
    issues impotence before they do something about their blood sugar
    degree. The diabetic has a poison in their bloodstream known as glucose.

    Diabetic issues impotence is when the poison is cutting
    of life to the male organ. The bloodstream is coming
    polluted and it is affecting the circulation.

    Males may lose the capability to preserve intimacy. They might be able
    to begin but then won’t have the ability to finish. Studies show the physique without having normal blood sugar levels is aging faster than 1 having a normal sugar range.

    Male impotence refers towards the condition referred to also as Erectile Dysfunction, where for one cause or an additional, blood isn’t
    flowing to the penis correctly, so that an erection could be achieved.

    Causes for the disease range from 8 out of 12 from the top prescribed medicines of our day to the outcome of mental disorder and physical deformity.

    Countless medicines list impotence being a side effect from the treatment, and a number of nerve damaging problems can cause ED.
    Depression, anxiety, and tobacco use are all stated causes for
    impotence also.

    Male impotence has numerous different causes for that hydraulic issue that leads to the penis to not
    function correctly.

    Smokers are 85% more at risk to become in this group. The most shocking statistic nevertheless, is that only a mere 10% of those
    afflicted with Erectile dysfunction or a similar issue seek remedy and assist.

    Impotence is really a serious problem that impacts 25% of our population sixty five years of age and older. 5% of middle aged males and older today are afflicted by ED as well.

    After reading a few facts on the subject one hopes it is sufficient to consult your doctor or begin to make modifications
    to stifle the effects of the problem and much better your quality of
    existence immediately.

    If it’s just a couple of times then it ought to not be worried upon but if it is frequent or enough to bring you worry and tension then you have to look into just what is causing it.

    Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction occurs to most men occasionally and for a variety of reasons.

    It’s interesting to note that most males as well as doctors (is
    it because they’re male?) believe that most impotence causes stem from the psychological aspects or way of life aspects of a man’s existence.

    But it can also be interesting to note that 60% of the men that do go to their physician with impotence difficulties wind up being diagnosed with diabetic issues.

    So my recommendation is that if you are having a problem with impotence that’s causing you concern a minimum of go to your doctor to get the actual reasons out of the way.

    It is also fascinating to note that 80% of
    males with impotence problems have a physical cause
    for getting them.

    Not performing any exercising and being a couch

    That is a lot of leads to to go through, but if you have or are doing any of
    them then the first thing you are able to do is stop performing
    them or go for your doctor for assist.

    However, consuming alcohol or utilizing any other intoxicants
    or adulterants can make it difficult for the human body to achieve an hard-on.

    Alcohol and recreational medicines are known to become some of
    the most infamous libido enhancers for many years and years.

    Getting a glass of wine or two throughout social events may not be
    such a bad idea, but the rate to which the alcohol
    affects your libido negatively or positively really depends on
    your body kind and size and weight.

    For example, if you weigh 165 pounds or so you could consume up to about a half
    of the bottle of wine before seeing a reduce in your
    erectile functioning,

    Getting a glass of wine or two during social events may not be this kind of
    a poor concept, but the rate to which the alcohol affects your
    libido negatively or positively truly is dependent upon your body type and size and weight.

    Anything that impacts a man’s testosterone in any way could possibly negatively affect that man’s sex generate in a negative way.
    Whilst medicines and alcohol could cause sexual interaction
    in numerous circumstances.

    No matter what you choose to drink or what you plan to achieve following drinking takes place, positive decisions about consuming and drug usage
    are of utmost importance when considering your impotence.

    Think about making life modifications instantly if you ever hope to
    see total improvement without having the use of medication.

    Nitric oxide and Impotence go hand in hand, because no man can
    ever get an erection without it however the great news
    is you do not have to take guy made medicines to boost amounts, you can increase
    nitric oxide naturally and safely.

    These herbal remedies will not just boost amounts of nitric
    oxide, they may also improve amounts from the crucial male sexual intercourse hormone
    testosterone, improve blood flow all close to the physique, keep sperm wholesome and decrease tension and anxiety which can often cause impotence.

    You’ll find all of the above herbal remedies in the greatest men’s sex supplements and
    they will also contain L Arginine; this isn’t a herb but a organic amino acid which assists the physique produce nitric oxide and if you increase levels by taking it as a supplement.

    It’s been called natures Viagra and with good cause – it assists you obtain a tougher hard-on
    and boosts sexual desire and is a supplement all men should take, for better sexual health.

    You are able to get all of the above libido enhancers and a lot more, within the best natural
    hard hard-on supplements which will assist you to cure impotence safely and naturally plus they will also boost your general degree of
    wellness at the exact same time.

    Thousands of men endure with impotency, frequently turning
    to potentially risky medicines. That�s why the Blakoe Ring is revolutionary.
    It�s proven to be the safest and most efficient solution to these difficulties.

    This increases blood circulation towards the sexual organs,
    helping the physique to regain its natural capabilities. It also improves conditions for example:
    low sex generate, reduced sperm count, underdeveloped genitals, and premature ejaculation.

    Male impotence remedies are an extremely popular subject right now because
    numerous men are treating their erectile dysfunction normally.

    Because male impotence is caused by a lack of blood flow under the belt, these
    remedies may assist you to by tomorrow.

    Start your exercise program these days! Remember the rush following
    a great work out? It is proven that exercising has thousands of benefits
    such as: boosting circulation, flushing cholesterol, reducing tension
    and growing endorphins happy chemicals. Begin at 30
    minutes a day and function up to an hour.

    Practice breathing methods like only breathing through
    your nose for five minutes. You are able to do this at your work desk and you
    will be reducing tension and boosting circulation

    Begin your exercise program today! Keep in mind the rush after a good work out?
    It’s verified that exercising has thousands of benefits such as: boosting flow, flushing cholesterol, reducing stress and increasing endorphins happy chemicals.

    You are one of the couple of but there are 1000s of men who are afflicted by youthful male impotence. Don’t be discouraged because
    there are numerous ways to increase circulation downstairs and increase
    your libido.

    Erectile dysfunctions are generally a physical issue like bad flow.

    You will find a range of leads to for ED but most individuals suffer from this typical illness because
    of poor circulation.

    Lower circulation levels could be caused by as well much tension, a bad diet,
    bad way of life choices or even a lack of vitamins
    or nutrients.

    Vitamin therapy is also well-liked with this remedy for erectile dysfunctions.

    Investigation is showing a powerful correlation that most males who are afflicted by this disease are deficient
    in vitamin A.

    There are many points you ought to know about your diet however the greatest
    rule of thumb is to keep your eating habits simple and fresh.

    Try to prevent fattening foods that are fried.

    Avoid certain points like alcohol, cigarettes and
    caffeine. All of these listed items are drugs which
    alter the physique in same shape or form. Research does display that avoiding
    these can help increase circulation downstairs.

    You will find also lots of herbs which have been shown to possess a good impact.
    For instance, horny goat weed is really a typical and efficient herb that’s shown to become a testosterone booster, aphrodisiac and also stress reducer.

    Deep breathes Did you know that simply trying deep breath exercises daily can assist increase circulation levels and reverse impotence? Begin with large exhales and inhales for 5 minutes and do this 3 times every day.

    All males more than the age of 30 encounter impotence as least once within their lifetime. Estimating the numbers is hard simply because less than 2 men in 10 seek remedy for impotence problems. The conclusion is impotence is a very typical issue in men.

    The big issue is it seems that for a big number of males, their capability to get an hard-on and have sexual intercourse is viewed as an integral part of their masculinity and potency and can be debilitating to his mental wellness.

    Very first reaction of the guy dealing with impotence is to make excuses or avoid sexual situations with his partner in an effort to overlook about the problem. This tendency can often leave the partner feeling unloved, unattractive and unwanted.

    Encountering this issue, men should think very first that this really is a really typical male issue. He is neither alone nor unusual. There are over hundred million partners of impotent men.

    consequence, the man’s failure to communicate his
    condition might contribute to frustration, tension or
    depression in his partner, or even cause relation failure.

    Couples who can talk openly about this problem have an excellent
    benefit. Sharing fears and worries is a very first step toward feeling better.

    Woman’s emotions regarding the impotence of her partner can be complex as nicely. But she must not forget that the male partner is going via similar powerful emotions.

    Woman’s help and understanding of situation is really essential.
    In a spirit of friendly cooperation, she must provide her support in solving partner’s issue going together to determine a physician.

    Male impotence is really a condition whereby a guy isn’t
    capable of sexually pleasing the woman in his life.
    This might be because of the weak erection more popularly known as erectile dysfunction.

    When you believe about it for a while you slowly realise that a big portion from the male population prides itself for becoming effectively harmful in bed.
    And while some of those allegations may be true a large lot of them are false.

    These substances greatly decrease the circulation of blood around the body because from the deposition of fats in major arteries.

    The moment blood pressure decreases the veins within
    the penis are starved of the rapid circulation they need to erect a penis that’s stiff enough for successful sexual penetration.

    Substance abuse has been cited as a trigger of erectile dysfunction. Alcohol; cigarettes; and hard drugs like cocaine must be gotten rid of correct way.

    Not so lengthy ago it was discovered that impotence and diabetic issues go hand in hand. This means reducing ones intake of foods with lots of sugar is one way of fighting impotence.

    When you have diabetic issues and continue to abuse sugar your diabetic issues will worsen and so will impotence have an effect on you a lot more adversely. If you do not know for those who have diabetes it would be a great tie to know so that you head straight into insulin remedy.

    The next time you have sex be sure to be calm and confident. Sometimes sex associated difficulties are attributed to anxiety and nervousness. Possibly you’re too embarrassed about showing a certain component of your body you
    believe she will laugh at.

    Forget about everything and attempt to possess fun.
    A carefree attitude is important when it comes to sexual intercourse.

    Viagra is really a pharmaceutical drug that is utilized by a
    lot of men to trigger and maintain a stiff hard-on.
    For some men this works really well but you will find people who don’t have that much success with it.

    But occasionally the issue of obtaining a difficult hard-on stems from getting as well much intercourse inside a short period of time. To have the ability to get a quick and hard hard-on you ought to have the space of about three days until you have sex again.

    Impotence is happen when a guy can not accomplish or maintain an erection within sufficient time to please himself and obviously, his partner. Impotence is frequently only though of affecting older men, however it is quite typical location in youthful males as well.

    Impotence in youthful men could be very stressful and it can also turn out to be a downward spiral due to the fact that 1 poor experience can cause a large quantity of self doubt and anxiety.

    Impotence in youthful males can cause further problems with low self esteem and other life issues in themselves as well as their relationships. But, perhaps simply because impotence is not some thing which is openly discussed.

    Most males will develop impotence at some point within their life. But within the majority of cases it’s a one off occurrence, not
    a lengthy term one. When impotence occurs over the long term it’s deemed a issue and this really is when professional advice and testing is needed.

    The options for impotence treatment in young men are usually not to consider powerful prescription drugs. An alternative is herbal remedy as these are gentler and do not trigger side results.

    A young male is also highly unlikely to want to consider Viagra as they consider being an older mans impotence drug.

    The next option is to possess a wholesome way of life. Prevent higher consumption of alcohol and medicines. Physical exercise frequently to make your blood flow smooth. Consider a healthy and balance eating habits.

    Impotence in youthful men usually disappears as they gain experience and confidence in sexual situations and is very rarely triggered by a severe actual issue. At the same, practicing a healthy lifestyle is much better option then to remedy the impotence later.

    Exercise has literally hundreds of advantages but one particular one is that it will boost circulation levels towards the penile regions. It has also been shown to decrease tension.

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